Les & Alison


Recent News and Prayer Request

Prayer Request | April 19-27

U.K. Mission Trip (April 19-27)—Our team to the U.K. leaves a month from now. Please be praying regarding these things:-Provision of financial resources for those going on this mission.-For God to be preparing receptive souls to the gospel and immediate discipleship.-Encouragement for the existing new believers as they live and lead in a spiritually dark environment.-Against evil spiritual warfare for the team, and those in the U.K.-For the team to be emboldened and empowered in the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Request | April 19-27

London is a gateway city with nearly 9 million residents and 300 spoken languages. WBC will take its first trip to London to work with Les and Allison. We will be focusing on reaching agnostic and atheistic Brits as well as looking to see what other people groups God allows us to touch. Our WBC team will be sharing the gospel, encouraging missionaries, visiting house churches, participate in training and disciple making. Would you pray about being a part of the trip to London?

Update | August 17

Today we shared with two tourist guides in the city and then we were able to do a Mark 1:17 “Followers…Fish” lesson with them. They both shared how easy this was to understand and said they would begin to meet early each morning in thier guide shop and start a 3/3rds group (D group.)

Update | August 16

Les and his son are in a country in Eastern Africa where lots of Muslims and Hindus live.We got to share with two 80 year old men today, one was Hindu and one was Jain. Both men were really receptive and they took a copy of the Gospel of John. They have already called to ask for follow up with us. Please lift them up as we pass along their names to our partners.

Update | August 10

Today we received news from two MBBs (Muslim Background Believers) we had trained. They were wanting to know if it was ok to baptize people from two other countries they were sharing the good news with. We said “Yes! Jesus loves people from those countries too”!

Prayer Request | July 30

Les and his son head to Africa this week (August 1-17) where they will train people from 4 countries in how to plant churches and reach into new unreached people groups. Pray for the trainings to be effective at increasing the harvest laborers in these countries.

Prayer Request | July 30

Pray for Alison and their son as they head to a new country in Europe with thousands of immigrants from Muslim nations. Ask that God would direct their steps to meet the right people whose hearts are ready to receive the good news about Jesus.

About Les & Alison
About Les & Alison

Les and Alison have served in North Africa for 20+ years. God has used them to launch a movement in their country that, to date, has resulted in more than 250,000 baptized believers. That very same movement has now spread into 3 surrounding countries as well. Through a series of events, the Lord has moved Les and his family into a new location, where they are now asked to travel to different parts of the world… helping to support and shepherd other movements of the gospel. We are privileged to have him as a faith partner at WBC and join him in these God-sized opportunities.

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