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About Jamie & Jessica Naramore
We are a family on mission together… among the nations in NYC.
After serving the past 7 years among immigrants and ethnic church plants in Arkansas, we are following the Lord’s call to serve in one of the most diverse places in the world – Queens! We (Jamie and Jessica) have been married for 14
years and have four wonderful kids – Sam, Lottie, Livi, and Madeleine. They love sports, dance, art, legos, and family adventures. Our desire is to see the Gospel saturated among M’slim populations across NYC, in particular those from Middle Eastern and North African (MENA)
backgrounds; and for disciples to grow in groups that provide a loving community, proclaim biblical truth, and pursue the Great Commission together. In this pursuit, we pray for:
1. Gospel Access – Pray for the 1.5 million M’s across NYC and over 200,000 from MENA to hear, believe, and advance the Gospel.
2. A Thriving Home – Pray for our family, especially our kids, to abide in Christ, thrive in life, and delight in serving the Lord together.
3. Strategic and Fruitful Partnerships – Pray for more prayer warriors, called out laborers, joyful financial partners, and a unified team that glorifies God as we all do our part.

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