Recent News and Prayer Request

Update | Aug 1

25 children regularly attended for 15 days for 4 hours and we saw with them the hand of God in this summer activity through:The Lord arranged 3 ministries from Egypt who came especially for them. They did not cost us much, but they were very suitable for them and were able to convey the love of Jesus to the children. The quality of the children was difficult because of the way they were raised and the beliefs of many of their parents who had an Isl*mic background. There was severe abuse and sometimes beating and constant threats, to the point that the children, in the first few days, were quickly clashing with each other by beating for very trivial reasons.But we thank God very much because at the end of the activity they became kinder because they discovered how much Jesus loved them and how others loved them. The children were filled with true love. The children got to know Jesus more closely, he became their companion and their God. The children learned to thank God and others, and this is a language that did not exist before. For example, S is a boy who has a hearing problem, and yet when we asked him what he could thank Jesus for, he said he thanked him because I can hear sometimes, and this is a great blessing. The families came to thank us because of a noticeable change they found in the children. Mohamed shares that he realized that Jesus loves him.Violence has decreased significantly among them and in their dealings with their brothers. We trust that Jesus changes the children and renews their hearts. - This activity was an opportunity to attract a new number of families whom we can serve in the coming time. One last thing is also important, the ministers who came from E were serving children from a M*slim background for the first time, their eyes were all opened to serving the majority and they returned to Egypt with a vision and a passionate heart to move for M*slims, also one of them asked to be baptized and M and I helped her with that.

Prayer Request | July 19

Pray with us (R&M) for the disciples conference that begins TODAY. 30 disciples will spend two nights together just talking about abiding through obedience and sharing the Gospel.

Update | July 19

We have 27 enthusiastic children come every day to the center (this is the building that WBC supported). They come to the center to sing, play, memorize verses, and learn more about Jesus. Today we were praying as a team that these children would love Jesus and abide in Him for the rest of their lives. There are an amazing amount of testimonies and stories from parents and children.

Update | July 11

Read this story from R about a family experiencing the Gospel for the first time: “Today a God story happened with me. Today, I was with a man named Mahmoud. His wife is attending with us, and her life is changing quickly with Jesus. He asked to sit with me and said, "I want to be like her. I am jealous of her, and I want to know the secret of her change." His wife told him the story of Peter, the fishing miracle, and how Peter followed Christ and left everything. I shared with him the full message that Peter decided to follow after realizing that he was a sinful man who needed Christ. He told me that he would think seriously on the matter.” Families who have walked in unbelief of the one true God for generations are learning to love and follow him. Missions is church planting. Continue to pray for our relationship to deepen with our Acts 1:8 partners, for everything to continue smoothly with the conference, and for Wynne Baptist Church to commit to ALL God has for us.

Prayer Request | Apr 25

The state of fear still dominates most of the disciples. We are spending time with them to discuss and pray against the spirit of fear that surrounds them. 

I believe God uses these difficult times they are going through for the glory of His name and the growth of His kingdom, He is working!!!  We see this clearly.

Update | Apr 29

Monday evening, I have a men’s discipleship group. It is a difficult group because it brings together 10 men, almost all of them from an Islamic background. Today (Hassan*)shared with us that for 3 days he has been sleeping well and thinking a lot, and the voice inside him says one thing, “Oh Hassan, if you decide to follow me, follow me with all your might and your heart and leave everything related to Islam behind!” 

You cannot come to hear the words of the Bible and pray and stay at home reading the Qur’an. 

I shared the gospel with him today again and Hassan decided to make the decision to follow Christ.”❤️


Update | Apr 1

Our newest follower of Christ, Namae*, often comes with her husband to the ministry center. Their circumstances are difficult because of her husband's inability to continue finding work. She told us last week she had a vision of herself walking in a forest alone, and she was afraid. Jesus appeared to her and said, “Do not be afraid. Just give me your life.” Yesterday she was very active in distributing New Testaments with boldness and courage from Jesus.

Update | Mar 31

In celebration of the "Resurrection of Jesus", a number of new believers distributed the New Testament in the street in front of our ministry center. They gave out 77 New Testaments.

Prayer Request | Mar 13

[Yesterday 4:32 PM] Matt DunavantThe month of Ramadan has begun: We need prayer because the spiritual war, especially at this time, is intense. We also need prayer because these days we are reaping the fruits of the service of the past two months. We will have several sessions with people who have decided to walk with Christ, one session to make sure they understand this decision.Pray Eph. 3:14-19

Update | Oct 25

Today a God story happened with me. Today I was with a person named a man named Mahmoud. His wife is attending with us and her life is changing quickly with Jesus. He asked to sit with me (R) and said "I want to be like her, I am jealous of her, I want to know the secret of her change." His wife shared with him before the story of Peter and the fishing miracle and how Peter followed Christ and left everything. I shared with him the full message and that Peter decided to follow after he realized that he was a sinful man who needed Christ. He told me that he would think seriously about the matter. Will you begin praying that Jesus would reveal himself to Mahmoud and he would follow Jesus?- R

Prayer Request | Oct 10

Current Prayer Requests:- We pray that our ME country will not enter into the confusion of an ongoing war. - Pray for some of the Syrians disciples who serve with us as they are experiencing heavy persecution from their neighbors, trying to drive them from their current homes. Pray for peace and favor for them.- Pray that our small group leaders wold have courage and strength in the "spiritual war” coming against them and may God raise up new multiplied small group leaders. -Pray for the new center and how God will use it to advance his kingdom.

Update | Oct 10

Gaza War: Since the outbreak of the fighting in the Middle East, a spirit of fear has dominated the area! The area has been in a state of economic collapse for years… so it will be hard if this war spreads. So far, things are quiet in our city, but some villages have been evacuated to flee the fighting, some schools have closed, and many people have left their homes for now. Also many foreigners have left the country, and all Christian conferences have been cancelled.We pray that the situation will not worsen and that God will bring peace to the region.

Update | Oct 10

The Joy of multiplying:For some time, we have been trying to encourage believers to multiply and start a new groups. They are afraid of being rejected or being unable to explain everything in the Bible to new disciples. We have decided the best way for them to overcome this fear is to just have them “jump into the deep end of the pool.” We selected 3 more mature disciples and gave them each some help! We gave each of them some new people to join the group, and we trained the leader to use the 3/3rds discipleship process. Now… some of them have invited new women from their relatives to join their group, and we are encouraging them to share the good news with people they know (okios), so that they can develop new disciples. They still feel some fear, but are begining to feel a sense of responsibility to make disciples ❤️. Et*, Fo*, and Ba* are the new leaders… Sa*, We*, and Eb* are their assistant leaders… Please Pray that these assistants will become leaders of new groups in time and more disciples are made!

Update/Prayer Request | Sept 25

“Yesterday, we did training on multiplication for the Syrian Kurdish Church. Twenty ministers attended. The beautiful thing here is that everyone is enthusiastic about adopting the idea of discipleship groups. This was the second training for leaders and servants, and there will be two more trainings in the month of October. The goal is to start a church based on groups by the beginning of next year, in order to multiply and reach lost people. The twenty ministers that attended will start ten new discipleship groups!”

Update | Sept 15

Hello guys! We miss you all!😍Since arriving back home we’ve made some visits to people who attend with us to see whether they are believers or seekers. We have felt some disappointed that some women from our groups went another ministry.We would like to share with you one story of a home visit that I made today. Aml is a women from a Muslim background that attended with me during a Bible study group as she wanted to know more about Jesus. Yesterday I told her that I would visit her. When I saw her today she shared with me her dream from last night. She saw some people from ISIS that wanted to kill her and her husband, but she told her husband that Jesus will save us as she saw Jesus’ face in the sky and she can escape from them in her dream. Today she told me her decision that she will follow only Jesus from this moment, and without living a double life.

Update/Prayer Request | Sept 5

How are our dear Friends at WBC? We are in Middle East and we want to ask you to continue praying with us for two things this week :
- That we would find a suitable house for us live in after returning to our ME target county.
- That we would find an appropriate space to rent for the new ministry center for our gathering groups and local H4F trainings. 
Blessings, R&M

Update/Prayer Request | August 21

“We miss WBC so much, but we are trying to enjoy being here in Egypt for a few more days before returning to our ministry home. We are very excited to begin with a training tomorrow!!! We will have the opportunity to train 24 leaders from Egypt on (multiplying) in 3 lectures. “Pray for R and M to have wisdom and power from the Holy Spirit as they begin refreshed and excited for what God has before them.

Update | August 8

R and M have made it back to Egypt to reunite with their kids and visit with their families for a couple of weeks before heading back to Middle East. They were so encouraged by their time with WBC! R sent a text after leaving that said , “I cannot find words to describe how much we thank the Lord and you. We enjoyed and were blessed and took real power from the Holy Spirit. I thank you because you are spiritual people and we love you.” Pray for them to rest and redeem quality time with aging parents before heading back to work among Syrians! ❤️

About R & M
About R & M

Syrians are coming to Jesus faster today than ever before. Where R&M live in the Middle East is home to approximately 2 million Syrian refugees. R&M are Acts 1:8 Partners serving Syrians throughout the Middle East.

In the last several years R&M have seen many M*slims turn to become followers of Jesus. They have launched multiplying D Groups, new seeker groups, and are training new group leaders in Heart and 4 Fields at a rate that can only be explained as a work of God.

WBC has had several opportunities already in the past few years to travel to and work alongside

R&M to plant churches among Syrians. R&M are from Egypt originally, and they became followers of Jesus as teenagers. R was involved in ministry in Egypt, but felt God calling their family to go, live and work in Syria. Their wonderful family includes a teenage son and younger daughter.

It is our privilege to be able to deeply partner with and support R&M in their work church planting among Syrians.

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