Recent News and Prayer Request
Arkansas Church Planters Abide Training | May 4
Matt has been asked by the Arkansas Baptist state convention to train some of the new Arkansas Baptist church planters in our Gospel Care framework. Many of you know how gospel care is used to help us abide in Jesus and learn to live in a way that scripture changes our lives. Please be in prayer on May 4 as Matt trains others… to train others.
Training Opportunity in Newport, Arkansas | April 13
Pastor Matt will be training Heart and 4 Fields (H4F) between 9 AM and 3 PM at Village Creek Baptist Church in Newport Arkansas. If you would like to attend, just reach out and let Craig know, and he will get you the information.
Upcoming Event | Dec 1-2
The Arkansas Baptist State Convention is hosting a Heart and 4 Fields Training December 1-2 in Little Rock at the ABSC office. Leaders from WBC will train numerous pastors and volunteers from Arkansas, Mississippi, and Missouri about abiding in Christ, dying to self and seeing the Kingdom of God multiplied through seeking the Father's heart. 1. Will you partner with us as we pray for our leaders as they lead this training? 2. Will you pray for the pastors and volunteers who will attend the training to see God's heart and vision? 3. Would you pray and consider if you should attend this training? Let's partner together in prayer and watch the Holy Spirit work!
Prayer Request | August 11
The Arkansas Baptist State Convention Office is hosting a Heart and 4 Fields Training today and tomorrow. Leaders from WBC will have the opportunity to train over 64 pastors and volunteers from Arkansas, Mississippi, and Missouri about abiding in Christ, dying to self and seeing the Kingdom of God multiplied through seeking the Father's heart.Will you partner with us as we pray for our leaders as they lead this training? Will you pray for the pastors and volunteers attending the training for them to see God's heart and vision? Let's partner together in prayer and watch the Holy Spirit work!

Heart & 4 Fields Arkansas Baptist
Training that’s open to anyone and everyone who wants to learn about an evangelistic and multiplication/discipleship strategy: Heart & Four Fields.
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